最近 ios 手机出现了异常发热耗电的症状, cpu 异常占用,想问下有懂 ios 日志的老哥吗?

2023-02-28 14:18:21 +08:00
Date/Time:        2023-02-28 09:46:52.516 +0800
End time:         2023-02-28 09:49:37.427 +0800
OS Version:       iPhone OS 16.4 (Build 20E5212f)
Architecture:     arm64e
Report Version:   40
Incident Identifier: 855FB913-5C34-471B-A49C-D0F637AEDC4E

Data Source:      Microstackshots
Shared Cache:     06E27AFB-2A3F-33FF-8FD9-71CBDFB24204 slid base address 0x18110c000, slide 0x110c000

Command:          backupd
Path:             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileBackup.framework/backupd
Resource Coalition ID: 516
Architecture:     arm64e
Parent:           launchd [1]
PID:              707

Event:            cpu usage
Action taken:     none
CPU:              90 seconds cpu time over 165 seconds (55% cpu average), exceeding limit of 50% cpu over 180 seconds
CPU limit:        90s
Limit duration:   180s
CPU used:         90s
CPU duration:     165s
Duration:         164.91s
Duration Sampled: 163.54s
Steps:            63

Hardware model:   iPhone13,4
Active cpus:      6
HW page size:     16384
VM page size:     16384

Advisory levels:  Battery -> 3, User -> 3, ThermalPressure -> 0, Combined -> 3
Free disk space:  7264.68 MB/238.31 GB, low space threshold 150 MB
Vnodes Available: 69.46% (16670/24000, 12000 allocated, 12000 soft limit)

Preferred User Language: zh-Hans-CN, en-CN
Country Code:     CN
Keyboards:        com.baidu.inputMethod.keyboard, en_US QWERTY
OS Cryptex File Extents: 13764

Heaviest stack for the target process:
  24  ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 2940) [0x1e8131b7c]
  24  ??? (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 3488) [0x1e8131da0]
  24  ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 90456) [0x18f5d7158]
  24  ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 88948) [0x18f5d6b74]
  24  ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 16200) [0x18f5c4f48]
  24  ??? (libdispatch.dylib + 9148) [0x18f5c33bc]
  24  ??? (backupd + 578704) [0x1024e5490]
  24  ??? (backupd + 335032) [0x1024a9cb8]
  24  ??? (backupd + 258060) [0x10249700c]
  23  ??? (backupd + 261268) [0x102497c94]
  23  ??? (backupd + 261268) [0x102497c94]
  23  ??? (backupd + 261232) [0x102497c70]
  23  ??? (backupd + 259608) [0x102497618]
  23  ??? (backupd + 358944) [0x1024afa20]
  21  ??? (backupd + 277024) [0x10249ba20]
  21  ??? (backupd + 1502652) [0x1025c6dbc]
  21  ??? (backupd + 1505484) [0x1025c78cc]
  21  ??? (backupd + 34648) [0x102460758]
  21  ??? (backupd + 32896) [0x102460080]
  20  ??? (backupd + 1506912) [0x1025c7e60]
  20  ??? (backupd + 32896) [0x102460080]
  17  ??? (backupd + 1506912) [0x1025c7e60]
  17  ??? (backupd + 32896) [0x102460080]
  13  ??? (backupd + 1509616) [0x1025c88f0]
  5   ??? (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 10884) [0x1c76dfa84]

Powerstats for:   backupd [707]
UUID:             C1FF8512-D5B4-30FF-B3DB-2F2C261EFC40
Path:             /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileBackup.framework/backupd
Resource Coalition ID: 516
Architecture:     arm64e
Parent:           launchd [1]
UID:              0
Sudden Term:      Tracked (allows idle exit)
Footprint:        9040 KB -> 11 MB (+2224 KB) (max 12.05 MB )
Start time:       2023-02-28 09:46:57.375 +0800
End time:         2023-02-28 09:49:36.602 +0800
Num samples:      24 (38%)
Primary state:    13 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, User mode, Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Utility, Override Thread QoS Unspecified
User Activity:    24 samples Idle, 0 samples Active
Power Source:     0 samples on Battery, 24 samples on AC

分析与改进这种关于 cpu 的日志有很多,com.baidu.inputMethod.keyboard, en_US QWERTY 这个频繁出现,目前怀疑是百度输入法的锅,多次息屏充电的时候提示温度过高暂停充电,有老哥遇到过吗?

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