想写一个实时转发 Stream 流内容的接口,不怎么懂 stream 流相关的知识
async def index(path: str, request: Request):
data = await request.json()
resp = c.send_request(path, data)
headers = dict(resp.headers)
async def generate():
for chunk in resp.iter_lines():
if chunk:
yield chunk + b'\n\n'
return StreamingResponse(generate(), headers=headers)
问题是,这个会等接受完全部的 Stream 流信息,才会转发,想实现的效果是实时转发 stream 流信息,具体一点就是,接收到一行或者指定大小的信息块,就转发出去。
想法是将 resp = c.send_request(path, data)
async def index(path: str, request: Request):
data = await request.json()
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
async with client.stream('POST', path, json=data) as response:
resp_headers = dict(response.headers)
async def generate():
async for line in response.aiter_lines():
if line:
yield line.encode('utf-8') + b'\n\n'
return StreamingResponse(generate(), headers=resp_headers)
httpx.StreamClosed: Attempted to read or stream content, but the stream has been closed.
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