广州 IT Application Engineer

2023-03-23 21:00:39 +08:00
fengsien99  fengsien99


Job Description :

We are currently expanding our R&D teams in IT and looking for new colleagues who will join our team at our new location Guangzhou.

Your tasks:

Actively manage customer requests and incident calls, manage backlog and SLA related to Engineering Applications activities predominately ALM and Embedded Software Applications.

Provide 2nd Level Support ALM and Embedded Software Applications.

Implement, adjust and improve service process.

Active analysis current process landscape and applications to make sure Service Support processes are aligned with actual landscape.

Communicate proactive new workflows and process changes on several levels involved in Service Support.

Act as direct contact for the developer and engineering Teams in the Tech Center and external / internal service providers.

1599 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
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