成都 Chinese and English IT Technical Support Specialist

2023-03-23 21:31:02 +08:00


Job Description

  1. Provide Chinese and foreign Bosch employees in the Asia-Pacific region through telephone, email, remote, WebChat and other services Provide English/Chinese IT technical support services. (Answering calls: 70%-80% Receiving emails: 20%-30%)

  2. Solve most IT-related incidents under up to 150 categories, record/forward problems to foreign high-level First-level support platform, including:

  1. Troubleshooting, troubleshooting and upgrading of computer-related software and hardware
  2. Windows 10 operating system Office 365, Outlook2016, Word2016, Common software technical support such as PPT, Excel, OneNote and Skype 3. Record the entire troubleshooting process. And enter the solution into the corresponding system
1858 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2023-03-23 21:46:12 +08:00
缅北客服中心,名不虚传。孙悟空路过都要打 500 个电话才能走。

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