ChatGPTAPI - Uses the gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 model with the official OpenAI chat completions API (official, robust approach, but it's not free). You can override the model, completion params, and system message to fully customize your assistant.
2. ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI - Uses an unofficial proxy server to access ChatGPT's backend API in a way that circumvents Cloudflare (uses the real ChatGPT and is pretty lightweight, but relies on a third-party server and is rate-limited)
翻译: 使用非官方代理服务器绕过 Cloudflare 访问 ChatGPT 后端 API (使用真正的 ChatGPT 且相当轻量级,但依赖于第三方服务器且受到速率限制)
在 Github 上找个这个项目,我是个后端苦手,很多后端的概念都理解困难。“使用非官方代理服务器绕过 Cloudflare 访问 ChatGPT 后端 API”,这句话我每个词都认识,但是连在一起我就看不懂了。为什么要绕过 Cloudflare ,咋绕过的,有啥好处(好处我看了说明大概就是免费?)。但是我不懂为啥这样就免费了。请问有人可以帮我解释一下吗?谢谢大佬
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