深圳 IT MANAGER – electronic manufacturing services

2023-03-27 09:14:58 +08:00
fengsien99  fengsien99



Degree in Information Technology / Computer Science or related discipline 10 years working experience in IT field, at least 6 years managerial experience in manufacturing environment Determination to work under pressure in a fast growing environment Solid experience in ERP system, SAP knowledge preferable Result-oriented with capability to drive and motivate team members to work efficiently and innovatively High technology conscious, self motivating and detail-minded Good communicatiom skills in both written and spoken English, Chinese and Mandarin Report to MD Define and execute the group’s IT strategy Manage all aspects of the IT and telecommunication infrastructure and ERP operations Lead IT team in China factory with the support of two Asst IT Managers Station Shenzhen Company shuttle bus provided between Lo Wu & Shenzhen factory 5 days work Accommodation and meals provided

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