杭州 应用交付工程师

2023-04-02 15:20:48 +08:00
fengsien99  fengsien99

此岗位在杭州萧山国际机场工作 https://adb-air.hrmdirect.com/employment/job-opening.php?req=2304314


Deliver high end professional services to our customers and key stakeholders, including:

fulfilment of project tasks.

technical escalations emanating from our Global support team.

Assist with the delivery of new system builds into live operation, incorporating the configuration, testing and deployment of ADB SAFEGATE Airport Systems application software and/or commercial software to the agreed specification. Evaluation of performance reporting during testing, following the build and configuration of systems, highlighting concerns, and overseeing their resolution. Assist with planned maintenance and security patching / system update tasks for commercial software falling under the scope of delivery, ensuring that operating environments remain safe and secure. Help maintain resolution service levels on customer reported issues, positively influencing stakeholders and third parties that make up those end-to-end service.


Bachelor’s degree in Computer Software / Systems Engineering / Computer Science and Technology or equivalent experience. Experience of Databases, in particular Oracle DB Experience of Unix/Linux system administration, particularly Red Hat An understanding of Structured Query Language principles. Understand the importance of writing documentation Workable English reading and written skills Desirable Experience

Oracle SQL scripting (querying) experience – ability to create custom SQL script MQ / ESB concept awareness VMWare environment deployments Knowledge of the Aviation / Airport industry and/or ADBSG Airport Systems products

1386 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
1 条回复
2023-04-04 10:09:28 +08:00
redhat+oracle 真是外企标配啊

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