App Router 现在值得入手吗?

2023-04-08 17:30:04 +08:00
estk  estk
默认 Server Component ,导致 mui 这类组件都无法使用了,虽然"use client"可以解决,但用了它反而无法用 Server Component 的特性

此外还有 useState 等 hook 也用不了,甚至连 onClick 都不行:

虽然 App Router 有很多使用新特性,但是感觉带来很多不便
2160 次点击
所在节点   Next.js
1 条回复
2023-04-08 17:46:26 +08:00
nextui 官网直接提示:Next.js 13 introduces a new app/ directory folder structure. By default it uses React Server Components. To use NextUI in those components, you need to convert them into client-side component by adding a
'use client'; at the top of your file. NextUI only works in client-side components.[捂脸]

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