真诚地求问, mac的java se6 runtime 应该如何删除

2013-12-14 14:39:56 +08:00
bu  bu
4003 次点击
所在节点   Apple  Apple
2 条回复
2013-12-14 15:01:22 +08:00
情况是手贱把信用卡抽奖中的500元的短信兑换码给删除了,百度http://www.macx.cn/thread-2089126-1-1.html 可以恢复短信,于是下载,提示要 安装 java se6 runtime,点安装,显示安装完成,然后运行又提示要安装。恼火。
2013-12-14 15:05:38 +08:00
Uninstalling the JRE
To uninstall the JRE, you must have Administrator privileges and execute the remove commands either as root or by using the sudo(8) tool.

Remove one directory and one file (a symlink), as follows:

Navigate to /Library/Internet Plug-Ins and remove the JavaAppletPlugin.plugin directory.
Navigate to /Library/PreferencePanes and remove JavaControlPanel.prefpane.
Do not attempt to uninstall Java by removing the Java tools from /usr/bin. This directory is part of the system software and any changes will be reset by Apple the next time you perform an update of the OS.

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