今天突然想起来,用 phind.com 搜一下东西,发现直连被屏蔽了
Thank you for using Phind. Our priority is to provide the best possible experience for all our users. At the moment, we feel that we aren't fully equipped to support Chinese users in the way they deserve. We face challenges in understanding specific use-cases and comprehending feedback due to the language barrier and the unique context of software engineering in China. We're committed to offering a great experience for everyone, so for now, we're focusing on the users we understand best while working on improvements. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause and appreciate your understanding. Rest assured, we're striving to grow and evolve so we can offer an even better product for you and our users in China in the future.
我记得以前是可以直连的,不过他现在也加了 gpt ,看起来应该是怕国人给他搞瘫了
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