几年前买了个云服务器,只是写点代码给自己管理点东西,刚用两天就不能用了,以为自己代码有问题,就重启了一下。 后来发现数据库里自己建的两个库没了,还想不明白怎么数据库会被删。最后发现多了个数据库 readme_to_recover_a
All your data was backed up. You need to email us at db632skkg@b47.33mail.com to recover your data. More info: https://is.gd/recdbras CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! If you dont answer we will reach the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR,
and notify them that you store user data in an unsafe open form. Under the rules of the law, you face a heavy fine or arrest. We will leak and expose all your data and in 48hs delete it forever from our server.
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