[请教]pywinauto 和 clicknium 对于 pane 控件是怎么访问的

2023-05-29 18:10:07 +08:00
873792861  873792861

如题,我刚开始学这些 ui 自动化的库,没想到,刚开始就遇到问题了。因为我用的是 Windows11 ,notepad 是支持多标签页。如此一来,在 demo 就遇到了问题: 我不知道如何访问标签页的菜单,代码如下:

from pywinauto import WindowSpecification
from pywinauto.application import Application

app = Application(backend='uia')
dlg: WindowSpecification = app.window(class_name='Notepad')
menubar: WindowSpecification = dlg.child_window(title="文件", control_type="MenuItem", found_index=0)

输出的控件信息只到 menubar 那里,标签页的,比如点击 [文件] 按钮点击后展开一个菜单,这个我就不知道怎么访问弹出菜单的 [打开] 那个按钮了。虽然可以使用发送快捷键的方式打开,但我想知道怎么去访问。以下是输出的控件信息:

Dialog - '无标题 - Notepad'    (L0, T26, R1920, B1024)
['Dialog', '无标题 - NotepadDialog', '无标题 - Notepad']
child_window(title="无标题 - Notepad", control_type="Window")
   | Pane - ''    (L46, T36, R333, B68)
   | ['Pane', '无标题 Pane', 'Pane0', 'Pane1', '无标题 Pane0', '无标题 Pane1']
   |    | 
   |    | TabControl - ''    (L46, T36, R333, B68)
   |    | ['无标题 TabControl', 'TabControl', 'TabControl 添加新标签页']
   |    | child_window(auto_id="Tabs", control_type="Tab")
   |    |    | 
   |    |    | ListBox - ''    (L48, T36, R298, B68)
   |    |    | ['无标题 ListBox', 'ListBox']
   |    |    | child_window(auto_id="TabListView", control_type="List")
   |    |    |    | 
   |    |    |    | TabItem - '无标题. 未修改。'    (L50, T36, R296, B68)
   |    |    |    | ['TabItem', '无标题. 未修改。TabItem', '无标题. 未修改。']
   |    |    |    | child_window(title="无标题. 未修改。", control_type="TabItem")
   |    |    |    |    | 
   |    |    |    |    | Static - '无标题'    (L63, T44, R99, B59)
   |    |    |    |    | ['无标题 Static', 'Static', '无标题', 'Static0', 'Static1']
   |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="无标题", control_type="Text")
   |    |    |    |    | 
   |    |    |    |    | Button - '关闭标签页'    (L255, T40, R287, B64)
   |    |    |    |    | ['Button', '关闭标签页 Button', '关闭标签页', 'Button0', 'Button1']
   |    |    |    |    | child_window(title="关闭标签页", auto_id="CloseButton", control_type="Button")
   |    |    | 
   |    |    | Button - '添加新标签页'    (L301, T41, R333, B65)
   |    |    | ['Button2', '添加新标签页', '添加新标签页 Button']
   |    |    | child_window(title="添加新标签页", auto_id="AddButton", control_type="Button")
   | Pane - ''    (L6, T68, R1914, B101)
   | ['Pane2', '无标题 Pane2']
   |    | 
   |    | Menu - ''    (L6, T68, R174, B100)
   |    | ['Menu', '无标题 Menu', 'Menu0', 'Menu1']
   |    | child_window(auto_id="MenuBar", control_type="MenuBar")
   |    |    | 
   |    |    | MenuItem - '文件'    (L10, T68, R58, B100)
   |    |    | ['文件 MenuItem', 'MenuItem', '文件', 'MenuItem0', 'MenuItem1']
   |    |    | child_window(title="文件", control_type="MenuItem")
   |    |    | 
   |    |    | MenuItem - '编辑'    (L66, T68, R114, B100)
   |    |    | ['编辑', '编辑 MenuItem', 'MenuItem2']
   |    |    | child_window(title="编辑", control_type="MenuItem")
   |    |    | 
   |    |    | MenuItem - '查看'    (L122, T68, R170, B100)
   |    |    | ['查看', 'MenuItem3', '查看 MenuItem']
   |    |    | child_window(title="查看", control_type="MenuItem")
   |    | 
   |    | Button - '设置'    (L1876, T69, R1906, B99)
   |    | ['Button3', '设置', '设置 Button']
   |    | child_window(title="设置", auto_id="SettingsButton", control_type="Button")
   | Pane - ''    (L6, T986, R1914, B1018)
   | ['  行 1 ,列 1Pane', 'Pane3']
   |    | 
   |    | Static - '  行 1 ,列 1'    (L21, T995, R80, B1011)
   |    | ['  行 1 ,列 1', 'Static2', '  行 1 ,列 1Static']
   |    | child_window(title="  行 1 ,列 1", auto_id="ContentTextBlock", control_type="Text")
   |    | 
   |    | Static - ' 100%'    (L1545, T995, R1577, B1011)
   |    | [' 100%', 'Static3', ' 100%Static']
   |    | child_window(title=" 100%", auto_id="ContentTextBlock", control_type="Text")
   |    | 
   |    | Static - ' Windows (CRLF)'    (L1633, T995, R1724, B1011)
   |    | [' Windows (CRLF)', ' Windows (CRLF)Static', 'Static4']
   |    | child_window(title=" Windows (CRLF)", auto_id="ContentTextBlock", control_type="Text")
   |    | 
   |    | Static - ' UTF-8'    (L1793, T995, R1829, B1011)
   |    | [' UTF-8Static', 'Static5', ' UTF-8']
   |    | child_window(title=" UTF-8", auto_id="ContentTextBlock", control_type="Text")
   | TitleBar - ''    (L0, T0, R0, B0)
   | ['TitleBar']
   |    | 
   |    | Menu - '系统'    (L8, T34, R30, B56)
   |    | ['系统 Menu', '系统', 'Menu2', '系统 0', '系统 1']
   |    | child_window(title="系统", auto_id="MenuBar", control_type="MenuBar")
   |    |    | 
   |    |    | MenuItem - '系统'    (L8, T34, R30, B56)
   |    |    | ['MenuItem4', '系统 MenuItem', '系统 2']
   |    |    | child_window(title="系统", control_type="MenuItem")
   |    | 
   |    | Button - '最小化'    (L1775, T27, R1822, B57)
   |    | ['Button4', '最小化 Button', '最小化']
   |    | child_window(title="最小化", control_type="Button")
   |    | 
   |    | Button - '最大化'    (L1822, T27, R1868, B57)
   |    | ['Button5', '最大化 Button', '最大化']
   |    | child_window(title="最大化", control_type="Button")
   |    | 
   |    | Button - '关闭'    (L1868, T27, R1915, B57)
   |    | ['Button6', '关闭', '关闭 Button']
   |    | child_window(title="关闭", control_type="Button")

后来,我想用 clicknium 试试,然后我试了下,发现这个库的录制的路径也是不行的。代码如下:

import subprocess
from clicknium import locator,ui


报错提示:clicknium.common.models.exceptions.ElementNotFoundError: Element can not be found. 录制的路径是这样子:

<ApplicationfilePath="Notepad.exe" processName="Notepad" version="1.3" />

<UiaclassName="Notepad" isDirectChild="True" name="无标题 - Notepad" role="window" />

<UiaclassName="NotepadTextBox" role="pane" /> #这里验证没能通过

<UiaclassName="RichEditD2DPT" isDirectChild="True" name="文本编辑器" role="document" />


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