注册了 chatGPT,用不了,不回答问题,是怎么回事?只回答: Hello! How can I assist you today?

2023-06-12 13:26:07 +08:00
rudychan  rudychan

之前注册的 chatGPT 被封了,然后用搬瓦工的机场有注册另一个 chatGPT 账号,注册时成功的,但是进去问问题,就是不回答你。只回答请问我今天怎么帮助你之类的话,感觉不能用。 Hello! How can I assist you today?

I'm here to help with any questions or information you may need. Please let me know how I can assist you!

If you have a specific question or topic you'd like to discuss, please let me know. I'm here to assist you with a wide range of subjects, including general knowledge, advice, writing assistance, and more. Feel free to ask anything you'd like!

886 次点击
所在节点   OpenAI  OpenAI
2 条回复
2023-06-12 14:15:22 +08:00
目前没办法,用的外壳+api key 使用,话说 api key 也有使用限制吧。
84 天前
我的账号最近也出现这个情况,但是我的 VPN 是独立 IP 的,只有自己一个人在使用。无论切换到任意的模型,都是回答 Got it! How can I assist you today?

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