请教一个 rust 问题!

2023-07-03 13:27:57 +08:00


use futures; // 0.3.28
use futures::future;
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded;
use futures::pin_mut;
use futures::SinkExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures::future::Either;

fn main() {
    let (mut tx, rx) = unbounded::<i32>(); 
    let x = async {
        for i in 0..100 {
            tx.send(i).await.expect("send failed");
    let y = rx.collect::<Vec<_>>();
    pin_mut!(x, y);
    block_on(async {
        match future::select(x, y).await {
            Either::Left((_, y)) => {
                let res = y.await;
                println!("{:?}", res);
            Either::Right((res, _)) => {
                println!("{:?}", res);


use futures; // 0.3.28
use futures::future;
use futures::executor::block_on;
use futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded;
use futures::pin_mut;
use futures::SinkExt;
use futures::StreamExt;
use futures::future::Either;

fn main() {
    let (mut tx, rx) = unbounded::<i32>(); 
    let x = async move {
        for i in 0..100 {
            tx.send(i).await.expect("send failed");
    let y = rx.collect::<Vec<_>>();
    pin_mut!(x, y);
    block_on(async {
        match future::select(x, y).await {
            Either::Left((_, y)) => {
                let res = y.await;
                println!("{:?}", res);
            Either::Right((res, _)) => {
                println!("{:?}", res);

rust playgroud

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3 条回复
2023-07-03 18:01:40 +08:00
第一段代码,tx 在 main 结束后才会 drop 。第二段代码,tz 在 x 结束后会 drop 。因此,第一段代码中 block_on 永不结束,原因是 rx 没有收到通道关闭的信息,一直在等待下一个数据。第二段代码,x 执行完毕后,tx 被 drop ,rx 收到通道关闭的信息,于是结束了执行。
2023-07-03 18:03:04 +08:00
@cfeitong 有个笔误:tz->tx
2023-07-03 21:05:44 +08:00
@cfeitong #1 谢谢大佬的解释。

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