「求职帖」杭州 Java 开发 两年经验

2023-07-03 16:11:38 +08:00
今年三月份公司发展不下去遂离职,boss 先后沟通 1000+约面只有两个,在此发帖希望能有机会
全日制大专,计算机信息管理专业 21 年毕业,先后去了两家公司,实际工作经验达到两年。
java 个人最为熟悉的技术栈有 Spring Boot 、Spring Cloud Alibaba+Nacos 、Spring MVC 、Hibernate 、MyBatis Plus 、Redis 、RabbitMq 等,数据库大部分使用 mysql ,有实际使用过虚谷、达梦国产数据库

第一家公司工作项目是内部的 ERP 系统,涵盖了机会、订单、员工、客服、任务、报表等模块,我分别参与了员工任务调度模块,员工工资模块,订单查询、报表等模块的开发,接触到的技术栈有 dubbo+zookeeper 的微服务架构,elasticsearch ,spring jpa ,jenkins ,POI 等

第二家公司业务是气象方面的,工作内容核心为解析气象文件、同步气象数据并将数据展示。期间独立开发并维护了两个项目,使用技术栈为个人常用技术栈(因为我一个人负责,所以选型选了熟悉的),项目运行在 linux 系统上,项目所使用到的中间件等都是自己部署安装的(例如数据库、nginx 、消息中间件等),使用过容器化部署方案
简单了解前端技术 html 、css 、js ,有考过 jquery 二级


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11 条回复
2023-07-03 17:16:12 +08:00
我也是全日制大专, 看完你的我都不敢润了, 不过这个公司拖工资拖了两个月了, 都不知道咋办
2023-07-03 17:50:31 +08:00
@GodSppp 强烈建议你先苟着,要润也先找到下家再说!血与泪的教训
2023-07-03 20:46:53 +08:00
前端问一下 jQuery 二级是个什么东西
2023-07-03 21:19:16 +08:00
@musi 打错了 脑子抽抽了。。 想打的是计算机二级和 1+x web 的= =
2023-07-04 09:21:59 +08:00
同在杭州,5 月初被裁,现在依旧待业中。。。
2023-07-04 09:47:37 +08:00
@mr0joker 一起加油吧,现在环境对我来说真的很恶劣 建议你如果要离职放空的话也不要持续太长时间,尽快开始找工作,不然会焦虑的
2023-07-04 11:56:18 +08:00
@fzjqwq 害,我现在是心态有问题,不想回到职场工作,目前有点像是在当“老哥”的状态
2023-07-04 13:26:53 +08:00
@mr0joker 嗯嗯 先调整好心态 加油
2023-07-05 12:10:44 +08:00


请发简历到 info@path2web3.com
(本项目不是 web3 项目)
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(本项目不是 web3 项目)

公司介绍(Company Intro):
服务于多家世界五百强企业, 通过技术与用户建立联系,将客户利益放在首位,将时间和热情投入到每一件有需求的产品上。
Serving many Fortune 500 companies, establishing connections with users through technology, putting our customer benefits first, and devoting time and enthusiasm to every product in demand.

About Us
We are a pioneering IT company at the forefront of innovation. We leverage new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Web3.0, to conceive groundbreaking solutions that revolutionize various industries. Our objective is to develop generative models that can generate creative content, solve complex problems, and drive transformative results.

About you
1 Demonstrated ability to work flexibly and adapt to change in an agile environment.
2 Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions.
3 A willingness to revisit existing projects and make revisions as business requirements change.
4 A strong work ethic and the ability to lead and work according to project plans, deadlines, and milestones.
5 Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to clearly and confidently communicate with team members and stakeholders.

What you will get
1 Opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research and development of global business systems across different time zones.
2 Opportunity to work on challenging and diverse projects that will push your skills to the limit.
3 Opportunity to work in a casual and relaxed environment with flexible work-from-home arrangements.
4 Opportunity to work in a non-hierarchical culture where everyone's voice is heard.

Why Join Us?
1 You will be part of a culture that values creativity, innovation, and individual contributions.
2 We offer competitive compensation, benefits, and the opportunity to work in a fast-paced, startup environment where your work will directly contribute to our growth and success.
3 We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applicants of all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

If you are a passionate and eager individual who is looking to make a significant impact on a product from its early stages, we would love to hear from you.
2023-07-06 00:08:13 +08:00
@genPeterTohetang 招原生 Android 吗
2023-07-06 11:56:22 +08:00

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