昨天扎克伯格的 insgram 出的 Threads App 上线,互联网圈子里甚是热闹,我也买了个域名凑热闹,今天上了个小页面,是基于 cloudflare workers 做的,用来下载 Threads 里面的视频,使用方法如下
如何下载 Threads App 中的视频
- 在你想下载视频的 thread, 点击小飞机分享按钮,然后点击复制链接
- 打开 https://v.threadsbox.io , 将复制的链接复制到输入框
- 点击下载按钮,如果 thread 中有视频,就会跳转到视频页面,windows 按快捷键
Ctrl + S
, Mac 按快捷键 Command + S
How to Download Videos from Threads App?
- Step 1: click the Share button from Threads, copy link of the thread
- Step 2: open https://v.threadsbox.io, paste the link here, we will fetch Video for you and navigate to the video
- Step 3: then you can press "Ctrl + S" on Windows or "Command + S" on Mac to save the video
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.