app store 审核跳第三方被拒

2023-07-27 11:14:11 +08:00
johndududu  johndududu
做了一个动漫 app , 因为没有版权所以把 app 播放屏蔽了,然后改为跳转到第三方网站播放,依然被拒,

想请问如果只做目录展示 ,也是一样需要版权吗? 不播放也不跳转至第三方。

Guideline 5.2.3 - Legal

Your app still contains content or features that may violate the rights of one or more third parties. Specifically, your app provides potentially unauthorized access to third-party audio or video streaming, catalogs, and discovery services.

Providing links to users to watch content outside of the app, e.g. website, does not resolve the issue.
822 次点击
所在节点   App Store  App Store
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