
2023-07-27 11:41:20 +08:00

Lead Technology Consultant

You will work closely with senior executives (think CDO, CTO, CPO, CMO, VP of Digital, E-commerce Director...) and coordinate with our Partners, consultants and experts to deliver transformative solutions at the intersection of strategy, technology, data and design. You should have a solid tech background, impeccable communication skills, and the ability to collaborate with technical experts. Strong presentation skills to create compelling materials for executive stakeholders (i.e. PowerPoint presentations) for the C-suite or VP level, are essential.



如何投递: (可选择以下任意一种方式进行申请)


2.Email: jobs@wiredcraft.com

(可发送你的英文简历到上述邮箱,标题格式:申请岗位|姓名|来自 V2EX )


Wiredcraft 创办于 2009 年,2022 年 6 月正式加入阳狮集团中国( Publicis Groupe China )。目前在上海、新加坡设有办公室,服务范围辐射中国和亚太地区。我们拥有逾 100 名本土和国际专业人士,深耕技术、设计、研发、产品管理、战略咨询以及数据领域,助力企业实现全渠道、跨国界的数字化转型战略蓝图。

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