[远程全职-行业黑马 WOO Network] UI 自动化 QA 工程师/UI Automation QA Engineer

2023-08-02 16:55:54 +08:00

需要英文作为工作语言,需 3 年以上同职位工作经验、金融(交易)、区块链行业经验或同行业同岗位工作经验优先。需要既精通前端自动化又擅长前端性能测试,需要熟练掌握 python 和 js 两个语言;并必须熟练掌握前端性能测试。

  1. 福利待遇:职位远程全职办公,可缴纳社会保险。
  2. 简历投递 Email: amber.kuo@woo.network
  3. 薪资:薪资位于市场 60- 70 分位,具体数值需面试后按工作经验确定。

**----Work with the best--------- ** WOO Network was incubated by Kronos Research, connecting traders, exchanges, institutions, and DeFi platforms with democratized access to the best-in-class liquidity and trading execution at zero or low cost.

The opportunity to work among individuals who are both driven and talented is few and far between. At WOO Network we believe that Web3 is all about breaking down barriers and bringing people together closer than ever before. Our mission of progressing decentralization in an industry that stands at the forefront of innovation has fostered an environment of ingenuity, perseverance, and fulfillment.

Company Mission and Vision To inspire confidence, higher performance and joy in every user.

We are building a world where we have more freedom and control over our finances. United by our innovative spirit and obsession with better design, we open access to the most compelling opportunities along with the tools to capture them.


  1. Integrity - We act with integrity at every turn.
  2. Innovation - We never give up seeking creative ways.
  3. Teamwork - We value each other’s efforts.
  4. Openness - We are transparent with our processes.
  5. Courage - We are not afraid of mistakes.
  6. Urgency - We seize fleeting opportunities timely.


  1. 计划和改进测试自动化策略。
  2. 执行移动应用程序和 Web 自动化测试,编写自动化测试用例/工具。
  3. 设计和开发测试自动化基础设施和框架。
  4. 分析产品需求,创建测试计划,并确定可交付成果。
  5. 研究和开发测试工具,设计和修改测试框架。
  6. 在整个开发生命周期中不断改进质量。
  7. 与开发和测试工程师一起工作。
  8. 优秀的故障排除、倾听和解决问题的能力,能够设定项目预期并按时完成。
  9. 能够在快节奏、多任务的环境中工作。 任职要求
  10. 有使用 Javascript 和 Python 开发自动化测试解决方案的经验。
  11. 熟悉编程和自动化工具/框架,如 Cypress, Selenium, Appium 。
  12. 有 web 前端性能测试经验。
  13. 有移动性能测试经验者优先。
  14. 具有企业应用软件开发和使用敏捷开发方法(如 SCRUM)测试模型的经验。
  15. 具有持续集成/持续交付(CI/CD)的经验,例如 Jenkins, Drone 或 Gitlab CI 。
  16. 熟练的软件测试(web ,移动,app, api)或服务发布。
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