关于 Twitter 最新 的 API 使用 ToS 变更

2011-03-13 00:03:00 +08:00
Kenyth  Kenyth
首先来 2 条链接:
- https://groups.google.com/forum/?pli=1#!topic/twitter-development-talk/yCzVnHqHIWo 是 Twitter 负责平台发展的老大贴出来的
- http://dev.twitter.com/pages/api_terms

然后我从 ToS 里面摘抄了一些内容,我也不清楚是不是最新更改的部分(可能有些要结合 ToS 的上下文来看才可以准确理解):
- If you provide an API that returns Twitter data, you may only return IDs (including tweet IDs and user IDs).
- Exporting Twitter Content to a datastore as a service or other cloud based service, however, is not permitted.
- 不允许:use or access the Twitter API to aggregate, cache (except as part of a Tweet), or store place and other geographic location information contained in Twitter Content.
- Your Client must use the Twitter API as the sole source for features that are substantially similar to functionality offered by Twitter.
- You may not pay, or offer to pay, third parties for distribution of your Client. This includes offering compensation for downloads (other than transactional fees), pre-installations, or other mechanisms of traffic acquisition.
- You may not use Twitter Content or other data collected from end users of your Client to create or maintain a separate status update or social network database or service.
- All URLs referencing content in the Update (for example, a web page, photo, video, or text longer than 140 characters) should direct users back to the page where that content is displayed, rather than any interstitial or intermediate page.
- If your service displays Updates commingled with Tweets, you must ensure that Tweets reference Twitter as the source.(和上面 sole source 那句唯一的区别就是,上面针对 "client",这里针对 "Twitter Functionality in your Service")
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所在节点   Twitter  Twitter
1 条回复
2011-03-13 10:14:29 +08:00

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