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2023-09-04 19:07:05 +08:00

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2023-09-06 15:52:41 +08:00
Open Source Business Looking for Collaborators

I initiated the open-source project SolidUI https://github.com/CloudOrc/SolidUI ↗ this year. This is an AI-based graph generation project. Personally, I have been involved in open-source business since 2017 and am a Committer of Apache Linkis. I am looking for collaborators, who can be AI developers, operators, or others. If interested, let's talk.

Official website: https://cloudorc.github.io/SolidUI-Website/
Project: https://github.com/CloudOrc/SolidUI
youtube: <amp-youtube data-videoid="anUEM6ITStk" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270"></amp-youtube>discord: https://discord.gg/PU3wvgByN5

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