2023-09-28 10:46:45 +08:00
比如你知道 bustle 有忙碌的意思。同义词点就会帮你找到类似的词。
1 people clutching clipboards bustled about
RUSH , dash, scurry, scuttle, scamper, scramble, tumble, skip, trot; hurry, hasten, make haste, race, run, sprint, tear, shoot, charge, chase, career, flutter, fuss; Brit. scutter; informal whizz, buzz, hare, zoom, zip, scoot, beetle.
-opposite(s): AMBLE.
2 she bustled us into the kitchen
HUSTLE , bundle, sweep, push, hurry, rush, whisk, shoot, whip, snatch.
the bustle of the market
ACTIVITY , hustle and bustle, animation, commotion, flurry, tumult, hubbub, busyness, action, liveliness, movement, life, stir, excitement, agitation, fuss, whirl; informal toing and froing, comings and goings, to-do; archaic hurry scurry, pother.
-opposite(s): INACTIVITY.