V 站有人的土耳其账号摄影订阅计划被关闭吗

2023-10-02 02:03:45 +08:00
我看小红书都在发 21 号批量收到 Adobe 的邮件告知 检测到欺诈活动 关闭计划。还不给退款,我也是今天要用 lr 时才发现我的在 21 号也被关闭了。
还纳闷为啥前几天不能用 ipad 的 Lr 修图了。
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31 条回复
2023-11-12 22:17:29 +08:00
@summersun2021 #20 阿根廷 steam 也被遣返了,现在低价区有点难搞~摊手
2023-11-16 21:09:57 +08:00
@LatentKSI #21 联系客服就会退款,我重新下定了,全程代理用着再看看了。
2023-12-12 23:15:45 +08:00
329 天前
请问 LZ 用什么渠道买的,还稳定吗?
329 天前
@Rookie01 #24 官网买的,目前没问题
318 天前
@LatentKSI 同土耳其区,2023 年 3 月初开通,一切正常,直到今年 2 月 7 日收到 Adobe 的邮件

We hope you are enjoying Creative Cloud All Apps (100Gb) [Student and Teacher Edition]. We want to share an important update about your subscription price. You purchased your subscription using Turkey as your purchase country. However, your subscription has been used predominantly in Canada. In order for you to continue to use your subscription, you will have to subscribe at the current price for Canada.

To avoid disruption to your work, we will migrate you to a new subscription within the next 30 days reflecting Canada as your country of usage, and the applicable subscription price of your plan. The new subscription terms will be the same as the terms under which you signed up, other than price. The price of Creative Cloud All Apps (100Gb) [Student and Teacher Edition] will change from TRY 1272 plus 18.0% tax /annually to CAD 311.88 /annually. For your annual, prepaid plan, as your plan is migrated to Canada, you will receive a pro rata refund for the original annual, prepaid plan in Turkey.

You can cancel your current subscription by going to Adobe Account or contacting Customer Support. If you have questions about these changes, or would like to discuss additional plan/pricing options, please contact Customer Support directly. If you take no action, your new subscription term will start within the next 30 days, after which you will have 14 days to cancel and receive a full refund.
Your new subscription will automatically renew annually at the standard subscription rate until you cancel (price subject to change). You will also receive a confirmation email containing the subscription detail terms.

318 天前
@cskzhi #26 我不知道我的还能不能坚持一年,只是希望不要像 Steam 那样搞就行
317 天前
@LatentKSI 我这个应该是人工回复的,Adobe 一家的东西实在是贵,包年人民币上 4 位数实在是太多了
266 天前
@cskzhi 看起来还是检测 ip 的。我买了还没收到这种邮件,可能是因为我根本没使用。。?
266 天前
@shakespark 回到学习版了,最近 PR 弹窗检测到了产品不是正版,10 天后就不给用了,不知道是不是之前正版卸载的时候没卸载干净,奇怪的是我一直没点确定装那个 Adobe 正版软件检测那个组件。我用卸载软件啥都删了学习版上去后还能检测产品,欸,我是时不时用 PR 剪辑视频,然后经常 Acrobat 处理文件+在线的 Adobe Express ,估计一直在检测 ip 了吧
66 天前
@missuo #7 求教怎么订阅的

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