
264 天前
我们是一家美国的 start up 公司,目前需要招聘一些数据科学家;需要全职,Junior 和 Senior 的都可以考虑,能立刻上手干活就行! Base 上海世纪大道附近;如果是兼职的模式,也需要白天能进办公室办公,pay 的模式可以按照兼职的来。
公司的产品是 AI 方向,具体业务信息可以后期和我们老板沟通!

Extract and prescribe actionable business insights from complex datasets
Apply statistical and machine learning models as needed
Develop prototype pipelines to provide insights to a product at scale
Work in a entrepreneurial environment with rapidly evolving requirements and data sources

Primary Skills:
Python for Data Science, SQL, Machine Learning (Scikit Learn, TensorFlow or Pytorch)
Graph Database/Data Science, Neo4J
Excellent Technical Communincation Skills, including visualizations

Additional Skills & Experience:
Experience with large datasets & Spark
Experience in Azure stack (Synapse, Databricks, Azure Machine Learning)
Experience putting models into production
Experience working in cross functional/product teams

Eagerness to learn new methodologies and technology
Experience with Chatbots
Experience/Interest in applications of GenAI
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V2EX 是创意工作者们的社区,是一个分享自己正在做的有趣事物、交流想法,可以遇见新朋友甚至新机会的地方。

V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.

© 2021 V2EX