You must solve this puzzle to apply
There're 7 red tiles, 8 blue titles and one white title in a 4 x 4 plane. We could only move the white tile. When moving it, the white tile swaps the position with the adjacent tile. L, R, U, D are corresponding to four directions which the tile could be moved to (Left, Right, Up, Down) For example, starting from configuration (S), by the move sequence RDRDLwe reach the configuration (E). Now, starting from configuration (S), find the shortest way to reach configuration (T).
What is the move sequence of the path ?
p.s. 我真的不是来骗答案然后去面试的……
2014-01-24 20:49:36 +08:00
话说怎么贴代码呢?在贴一次乱的吧 不好意思
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
public class Untitled extends Sprite {
public function Untitled() {
var a:Array = new Array;
a[0xf00ff] = "";
var task:Vector.<VPS> = new Vector.<VPS>;
task.push(new VPS(0x00ff, 15, ""));
var counter:int = 0;
function work():void
var vps:VPS = task.shift();
var v:uint = vps.v, p:int = vps.p, s:String = vps.s;
if(0x5a5a == v && 0 == p)
trace("a[" + ((p << 16) | v) + "]=" + s);
if((p & 3) < 3)
test(1, "U");
if((p & 3) > 0)
test(-1, "D");
if(p < 12)
test(4, "L");
if(p > 3)
test(-4, "R");
function test(n:int, sadd:String):void
var tempV:uint = calc(n);
var tempS:String;
var index:int = tempV | ((p + n) << 16);
tempS = s + sadd;
a[index] = tempS;
task.push(new VPS(tempV, p+n, tempS));
function calc(n:int):uint
var fromMask:int = 1 << p;//原有位置被置为目标位置的值
var toMask:int = 1 << (p + n);//目标位置被置为0(光标位置总是为0)
return v & (0xffff ^ toMask) & (0xffff ^ fromMask) | ( (v & toMask ) && fromMask);
class VPS
var v:uint;
var p:int;
var s:String;
function VPS(v:uint, p:int, s:String)
this.v = v;
this.p = p;
this.s = s;
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