NVIDIA is the world eader in GPU Computing, We are passionate about markets include gaming, automotiveprofessional vision, HPC, datacenters and networking in addition to our traditional OEM business. NVIDIA is alsowell positioned as the 'Al Computing Company , and NVIDIA GPUs are the brains powering modern Deepearning software frameworks. accelerated ana vtics. modern data centers. and criving autonomous veniciesWe have some of the most experienced and dedicated people in the world working for us. If you are dedicatedforward-thinking, and if working with hard-working technical people across countries sounds exciting, this job isfor you.
We are now ooking for Software 0A Test and Development Engineer, vou will co aporate with multi-functionagroups. SWOA test developer engineer at NVIDIA is responsible for test planning, execution, and reporting, youwill also write scripts to automate testing, design and develop tools for OA team, or develop integration tests foivalidation, so OA engineer can improve productivity or optimize test plan. As a SWOA test developer, you mustidentify weak spots and constantly design better and creative test plan to identify potential issues.
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