2023-10-19 09:21:27 +08:00
我自己用 `Bun(自带 sqlite) + js` 解析提取,一个 Bun 二进制+脚本即可,你也可以打包在一起单文件当 cli 用,缺点不支持 win
``` js
// TODO v11 v12
import { Database } from 'bun:sqlite'
import { createDecipheriv, pbkdf2Sync } from 'node:crypto'
const KEY_LENGTH = 16
const SALT = 'saltysalt'
const IV = Buffer.alloc(KEY_LENGTH).fill(' ')
const password = 'peanuts'
const key = getDerivedKey(password, 1)
function getDerivedKey(password, iterations) {
return pbkdf2Sync(password, SALT, iterations, KEY_LENGTH, 'sha1')
function decryptorCookie(encryptedCookie) {
const decipher = createDecipheriv('AES-128-CBC', key, IV)
const decryptedCookie = decipher.update(encryptedCookie.slice(3))
return decryptedCookie.toString() +'utf8')
function parseExpiresUtc(n) {
return new Date(n / 1e3 - 116444736e5)
function parseCookie(item) {
const { name, host_key, encrypted_value: str, expires_utc, has_expires } = item
// V10
const val = decryptorCookie(str)
const expires = parseExpiresUtc(expires_utc)
const unixTime = +(expires / 1e3).toFixed(0)
const out = { key: name, val, has_expires, expires, host: host_key, unixTime }
return out
const DefaultDbPath = '~/.config/chromium/Default/Cookies'
export function getCookies(sql, dbPath = DefaultDbPath) {
const db = new Database(dbPath)
const query = db.query(sql)
const items = query.all()
export function toNetscapeCookieFile(arr) {
const lines = arr
.map(c => {
return `${} TRUE / TRUE ${c.unixTime} ${c.key} ${c.val}`
return `# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# This file is generated by yt-dlp. Do not edit.
export function toHeadersCookie(arr) {
return => `${c.key}=${c.val}`).join('; ')
if (import.meta.main) {
const sql = `SELECT * FROM cookies where host_key = '' and name = 'cookie2';`
const sql1 = `SELECT * FROM cookies where host_key = '' and name = 'SESSDATA';`
const cookies = await getCookies(sql)