neochen13 @
Rnreck Hello 两位,今天问了一下 BC 那边的销售,他们的回复是,如果购买授权的 12 个月内推出大版本更新,那么可以享受免费升级。并且他们很确认 12 个月内可以发布 BC5 ,原文如下:
When you buy a new license, you automatically get 12 months of upgrade protection. That means if we release a major upgrade within 12 months of your purchase, you can get the upgrade for free. You only get automatic upgrade protection when you pay full price for a license. It is not reestablished when you pay half price to upgrade to a new major version. If you skip a major version and pay full price to upgrade, it is effectively a new license and you get 12 more months of upgrade protection.
At this point, I can confirm that BC5 will be released within 12 months. If you purchase a BC4 license now, you will be able to upgrade to BC5 for free.
两位要是有潜在的拼车打算,要不我们加个 TG 联系?