我服了, Bing 这车轱辘话跟谁学的。。。

2023-11-17 20:20:22 +08:00



Thank you for your patience during our investigation. After further review, it appears that your site had issues with meeting the standards set by Bing to remain indexed the last time it was crawled. To ensure that this was not a false flag, I also escalated the issue to the next level, and they manually reviewed your site and confirmed that it is in violation of our webmaster guidelines detailed here: Bing Webmaster Guidelines.

We are not able to provide specifics for these types of issues because the relevant teams do not share reports with us. We recommend that you review our Webmaster Guidelines, especially the section Things to Avoid, and thoroughly check your site for any deliberately or accidentally employed SEO techniques that may have adversely affected your standing in Bing and Bing-powered search results. We will not be able to add your site to the index while Bingbot is finding it in violation of Webmaster Guidelines. We have no control over this process, and you will need to make quality changes to your site and wait for the Bingbot's automated crawling process to agree that the site passes the webmaster standards before it can be served.

Also, I spent some more time reviewing your site and found a few links and docs which will help you in this scenario.

Why is My Site Not in the Index?
10 SEO Myths Reviewed
Is SEO The Future? No, And Here’s Why
Building Authority & Setting Expectations
The Role of Content Quality in Bing Ranking

I hope the resolution provided has been fully address your issue. I will be closing this ticket. However, if you do have any follow up questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or open a new support ticket.

Thank you,

Mounika Aduri | Technical Support Engineer

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Check out our guidelines for better indexing and ranking!
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4 条回复
2023-11-17 20:22:09 +08:00
GPT 类的不都这样,能简单回答的就给你发长篇大论,最后甚至答案还南辕北辙
2023-11-17 20:38:25 +08:00
2023-11-20 09:28:31 +08:00
2023-11-20 09:28:55 +08:00
@yyzh 可能工程师用 New Bing 生成的

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