之前美国 lyft 打车两个手机号薅了两次新用户羊毛直接被 ban 设备了,Uber 两个手机号只是不让用新用户羊毛说是老用户。lyft 怎么都不给我解封。最后无奈只能刷机恢复 iCloud 云备份注册个新号依然被 ban 。最后又刷机不恢复 iTunesiCloud 云备份。手动导入照片视频微信聊天记录数据注册个新号才没被 ban 。
2023-11-20 15:38:07 +08:00
@zhangsimonhttps://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicecheck 就像 lyft 打车的那里例子,防止用户滥用新用户折扣。Using the DCDevice class in your app, you can get a token that you use on your server to set and query two binary digits of data per device, while maintaining user privacy. For example, you might use this data to identify devices that have already taken advantage of a promotional offer that you provide, or to flag a device that you’ve determined to be fraudulent.
2023-11-20 15:40:12 +08:00
苹果给开发者提供的接口,说是这个 binary data 两进制数值在保护用户隐私的同时帮助开发者识别欺诈设备或者重复滥用新用户折扣的设备 @zhangsimon 27
2023-11-20 15:43:17 +08:00
@zhangsimon 微信用这个接口封号那些用双开和防撤回插件的用户和设备 Someone who modifies your app and distributes it outside the App Store can add unauthorized features like game cheats, ad removal, or access to premium content. The App Attest service gives your app a way to assert its validity so that your server can more confidently provide access to sensitive resources. 修改您的应用程序并在 App Store 之外分发的人可以添加未经授权的功能,如游戏作弊、广告删除或访问高级内容。App Attest 服务为您的应用程序提供了一种断言其有效性的方法,以便您的服务器可以更自信地提供对敏感资源的访问。
2023-11-20 15:49:13 +08:00
@zhangsimon #14 用来定位用户的广告 ID 算隐私,用来禁用设备的设备 ID 不算隐私:我猜的。事实上大概率来说:道高一尺、魔高一丈。