关于安卓 1Password 无法显示内容的后续

2023-11-21 22:32:49 +08:00
tidezyc  tidezyc

关于安卓的 1Password 有些时候无法显示内容,我联系了官方客服,得到的回复的安卓客户端存在 bug ,正常情况下我们打开记录时都是取的本地缓存数据,但是如果 1Password 客户端探测到网络不可达,会忽略本地缓存数据,而强制从服务端拉取最新加密数据,估计要等他们的技术团队解决这个问题了。官方完成回复如下:

You are correct that your 1Password data would be stored encrypted locally and should be available offline. This issue that our development team are currently investigating seems to be when the 1Password for Android has limited connectivity or when connecting from networks in China without using a VPN, rather than displaying the item details from local storage the app persists in trying to receive the latest item details from the cloud/online, leading to a blank screen being displayed instead of the item details from the locally stored data.

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所在节点   Android  Android
2 条回复
2023-12-11 11:50:07 +08:00
我看 Google Play 上有人从 9 月份开始就已经在回报这个问题了,没想到现在居然都没有修好吗?
2023-12-12 21:04:41 +08:00
@Earsum 显然国内用户对他们来说优先级很低,没排上开发周期

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