2023-11-29 09:46:35 +08:00
“I regard Alibaba as one of the biggest mistakes I ever made,” Munger said at the shareholder meeting. “In thinking about Alibaba, I got charmed by their position in the Chinese internet and didn't stop to realize, 'they're still a gawd-damned retailer. '”
gawd /ɡɔːd $ ɡɒːd/
used in writing to represent the word ‘God’ when it is said in this way as an expression of surprise, fear etc 天啊,书面语中用来代替 God 一词,表示惊讶、恐惧等,
damn /dæm/
used when you are very annoyed or disappointed 该死,见鬼〔表示很生气或失望〕