[全职远程|国内🌍招聘| Web3 公司 WOO] 技术岗汇总:技术支持/Manual QA /UI Automation QA /DeFi Frontend Developer/React Frontend Engine

325 天前

需要英文作为工作语言,需 3 年以上同职位工作经验,金融(交易)、游戏、区块链行业经验或同行业同岗位工作经验优先。职位远程全职办公,可缴纳社会保险。
薪资优厚,公司有成熟且有激励性的薪酬评定体系 。 申请/投递 请写明职位: amber.kuo@woo.network

一、公司介绍: Work with the best

WOO Network was incubated by Kronos Research, connecting traders, exchanges, institutions, and DeFi platforms with democratized access to the best-in-class liquidity and trading execution at zero or low cost.

The opportunity to work among individuals who are both driven and talented is few and far between. At WOO Network we believe that Web3 is all about breaking down barriers and bringing people together closer than ever before. Our mission of progressing decentralization in an industry that stands at the forefront of innovation has fostered an environment of ingenuity, perseverance, and fulfillment.

Company Mission and Vision

To inspire confidence, higher performance and joy in every user.

We are building a world where we have more freedom and control over our finances. United by our innovative spirit and obsession with better design, we open access to the most compelling opportunities along with the tools to capture them.


Integrity - We act with integrity at every turn.
Innovation - We never give up seeking creative ways.
Teamwork - We value each other’s efforts.
Openness - We are transparent with our processes.
Courage - We are not afraid of mistakes.
Urgency - We seize fleeting opportunities timely.

Picture a Tuesday morning at your current job. You use your judgement effectively to spot a solution for an apparent issue. The issue lies in an area that may not be in your jurisdiction, but you decide to offer your opinion anyway, however you struggle to have your voice heard. This is what we strive to change in the working environment at WOO Network. Your voice and opinions are always valued, and we work hard to maintain a culture that is flat, inclusive, and empowering.

A Glimpse into Your Future at WOO

二、职位 JD 1 、技术支持工程师(全球应用)
作为技术支持团队,你们将作为二级支持-就需要技术知识的问题/查询向客户(toB 和 toC)或客户服务团队提供及时和准确的反馈。调查客户提出的技术问题,通过查看日志进行分析,为处理问题提供适当的建议,并生成问题报告。更重要的是,如果存在服务事件,您将负责对问题的紧急程度进行分类,并将其升级到需要参与的团队。

作为客户和内部团队之间的桥梁,您还将为客户服务团队提供教育或支持,以改进对客户的响应,记录已知技术问题的解决方案。定义产品变更的文档流程框架。另一方面,你也将把客户的声音带到内部,收集问题的上下文信息,在 Jira 中记录这些信息,并将其提交给开发团队进行进一步分析或修复错误。


WOO Network 的团队由营销和通信专家、产品经理、数据分析师、开发人员和其他行业专家组成。我们培养人才的基础是创新、诚信、团队合作、开放和勇气等重要品质。作为一名员工,没有什么比拥有一个顶级的配角来帮助你实现个人和职业目标更大的福利了。


WOO 网络在一个动态和复杂的行业中竞争,其趋势不断发展。保持我们的优势需要高度的投入和激情。制作有影响力的内容需要批判性思维和组织,团队成员必须能够在结果驱动的环境中自主操作。沟通技巧将受到考验,因为您将面临许多与行业合作伙伴、思想领袖和社区成员的微观互动。


作为一名支持工程师,沟通和协作在你的日常工作中占据了很大的比例。WOO 使用多种渠道进行内部和外部通信,包括 JIRA 、Zendesk 和 Telegram 。

除了文档工作之外,开发能力也是基本要求,您需要指导我们的客户使用我们的 API 实现他们的交易程序,最低要求是掌握至少一种编程语言(c++,Java, Python, JavaScript 等),并熟悉 RESTful 和 Websocket 协议。

用于监控和故障排除工具,包括但不限于 Linux Shell Script, SQL, ELK (Kibana)和 Grafana ,我们鼓励您为内部和外部客户提供更多支持工具。


**2 、 [ Manual QA Engine ] **
A Glimpse into Your Future at WOO
What will you be working on?

Who will you be working with?

What challenges will you face?

What tech stacks/skills will you be using?

**3 、 [ UI Automation QA Engineer ] **
需要掌握 python 和 js 两个语言

WOO Team is looking for a QA Automation Engineer.
Our stack: Javascript, Cypress, Performance, Python, Selenium.

What will you be working on?

Who will you be working with?

What skills will you need?

What tech knowledge will you need?


**你将和谁一起工作? **

**你需要什么技能? **

**你需要什么技术知识? **

**4 、 [ DeFi Frontend Developer ] **
What will you be working on?

Who will you be working with?

What challenges will you face?

**What tech stacks/skills will you be using?

5.React Frontend Engineer

Who will you be working with?

What challenges will you face?

What tech stacks/skills will you be using?

Who will you be working with?

What challenges will you face?

What tech stacks/skills will you be using?

1796 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
325 天前
巅峰相比,-82.3%,这么多钱招前端还不如把盘拉回去让韭菜 V 友们解套

325 天前
305 天前
302 天前
@Janet627 可以中文简历的
302 天前
@nulsen 欢迎推荐,发我邮箱就可以
300 天前

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