macos 14 如何从所有的时间机器备份中删除一个文件或文件夹

349 天前

sudo tmutil delete -d /Volumes/TimeMachine -t 2023-12-31-201608 -p /private/var/db

但是 -p 只对 HFS 备份生效,这个命令删除了我的整个备份

man tmutil
delete [-d backup_mount_point -t timestamp] [-p path]
    Deletes the backups with the specified timestamp from the backup volume mounted at the specified mountpoint. The -t option followed by a timestamp can be used multiple
    times to specify multiple backups to delete. For HFS backup disks, a specific path to delete can also be specified using the -p option. This verb can delete items from
    backups that were not made by, or are not claimed by, the current machine. Requires root and Full Disk Access privileges.
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3 条回复
349 天前
tm 的文件系统不是 read only 吗?之前试过类似的事情,没成功,应该只能整个删除
349 天前
349 天前
这样啊,我是直接从 finder 打开之后,尝试删除失败的

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