Mac 上使用画中画会导致系统卡死重启的问题

240 天前
macOS 14.5, MacBook Pro 14" M1 Pro
控制台会出现很多 gpuevent
{"bug_type":"284","timestamp":"2024-06-21 19:31:27.00 +0800","os_version":"macOS 14.5 (23F79)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"A5EFFEF9-7F5F-4C5E-A3AC-11A016CFB24B"}
"roots_installed" : 0,
"bug_type" : "284",
"process_name" : "WindowServer",
"registers" : {},
"timestamp" : 1718969487,
"analysis" : {"iofence_list":{"iofence_num_iosurfaces":1,"iofence_iosurfaces":[{"iofence_current_queue":

This is a watchdog-triggered termination event, and not expected to be well-represented in the legacy crash format

Crashed Thread: Unknown

Exception Type:

Termination Reason: Namespace WATCHDOG, Code 1 monitoring timed out for service
(1 monitored services unresponsive): checkin with service: WindowServer (0 induced crashes) returned not alive with context:
unresponsive work processor(s): WindowServer main thread is_alive_func returned unhealthy : 0x3|227534:227534:2|04040000:04000000:00802002
40 seconds since last successful checkin, 2056 total successful checkins since 22799 seconds ago, has not exited since first loaded

已经出现多次了,似乎是 macOS14 后才出现的,不知道有没有遇到过的
771 次点击
所在节点    macOS
0 条回复

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