为什么 chatgpt 连 16 进制转二进制都会搞错?

242 天前
huangya  huangya

问题很简单,就是想让它帮我解析一个寄存器的各个 bit 代表的含义。这个寄存器读出来是 16 进制的。它需要转换成二进制。根据公开的 ieee 标准每个 bit 都有特定的含义。但是它转换成二进制的时候,总是会弄错。比如 bit2 是 1 ,它理解成 0.是我的提问方式不对吗?还是选择的模型不对?我用的是 gpt-4o 。请大家指点一下。

Parsing Ethernet PHY status register

Message From You:

get the value of ethernet phy register 1(status register). Its value is 0x796d. Please help me parse the value

Message From ChatGPT:

Certainly! The value of the Ethernet PHY status register (register 1) is 0x796d. To parse this value, we need to understand the typical bit definitions for this register. The exact bit definitions can vary depending on the specific PHY chip, but I'll provide a common example based on the IEEE 802.3 standard for PHY status registers.

The common bit definitions for the status register (register 1) are:

Given the value 0x796d, let's convert it to binary:

0x796d = 0b0111100101101101

Now, let's map this binary value to the status register bits:

So, the parsed values are:

Note that these interpretations are based on a common definition of the status register. For exact bit definitions, you should refer to the datasheet of the specific PHY chip you are using.

Message From You:

Bit 2 is 1 ,why you say is 0. Please check again

Message From ChatGPT:

I apologize for the oversight. Let's re-evaluate the binary representation of the value 0x796d and correctly interpret bit 2.

The hexadecimal value 0x796d converts to binary as follows:

0x796d = 0b0111100101101101

Now, let's break down the binary value into individual bits:

So, the corrected bit values are:

So, the parsed values are:

Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

Message From You:

Bit 3 is also wrong. It's 1, not 0

Message From ChatGPT:

You're correct. Let's re-evaluate the binary representation of 0x796d and correctly interpret the bits.

The hexadecimal value 0x796d converts to binary as follows:

0x796d = 0b0111100101101101

Breaking down the binary value into individual bits:

So, the corrected bit values are:

So, the parsed values are:

Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

Message From You:

I'm afraid bit 7 is also wrong. It should be 0 instead of 1

Message From ChatGPT:

Let's carefully re-evaluate the binary representation of 0x796d and correctly interpret the bits.

The hexadecimal value 0x796d converts to binary as follows:

0x796d = 0b0111100101101101

Breaking down the binary value into individual bits:

So, the corrected bit values are:

So, the parsed values are:

Thank you for pointing out the corrections.

1805 次点击
所在节点    OpenAI
14 条回复
242 天前
LLM 不擅长逻辑计算,你这种场景,不如让 ChatGPT 给你写个脚本更有效
242 天前
或许因为你不懂 LLM ? dog:)
242 天前
llm 是序列预测啊,本质上就是成语接龙,不借助其它技术没啥计算能力
242 天前
LLM 不擅長邏輯計算,但可以寫腳本。這表示寫腳本的機器人可以不擅長邏輯計算。
242 天前
@huangya 他不是计算器呀,聊天模型,聊天懂吗?,随机最大概率回复你就行,不保准的
242 天前
242 天前

其實 LLM 也不擅長寫腳本, 因為它不擅長邏輯計算.

它只是複讀機, 把別人寫過的腳本複讀出來, 讓人覺得它會寫腳本.
242 天前
242 天前

简单来讲,chatgpt 这类东西是看完了一千万本书,然后建立了 x 后面应该是 y1 还是 y2 的预测模型

现在拿着 1+2=? 问它,它发现 3 这个字符是概率最大的

242 天前
因为 GPT 只适合做文科,搞不来理科
242 天前
就像你心算 843751*9437 也算,拟人
242 天前
数学方面,你可以试试 Wolfram GPT
239 天前
base64 转码都有可能错
221 天前
@cvbnt 今天我问了相同的问题,Wolfram GPT 也没有完全算对。

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