guanchayuan ```text
There are 5 crates, each has a unique weight less than 100kg. The crates are weighted in groups of two and the results obtained are 113, 116, 110, 117, 112, 118, 114, 121, 120 and 115 kg. What's the weight of the heaviest crate?```
To solve this problem, we’ll need to find the unique weights of the five crates based on the sums of all possible pairs. Here’s a step-by-step explanation:
Step 1: List the given sums and identify the smallest and largest sums.
The weights of the crates are:
• a = 54 kg
• b = 56 kg
• c = 58 kg
• d = 59 kg
• e = 62 kg
Answer: 62 kg
鸡巴啰嗦了一大堆最后总算是解出来了,就这题的表现来看确实不如 gpt4o 。