[从备份中恢复 Safari 16 选项卡:r/Safari --- Restore Safari 16 Tabs from Backup : r/Safari](
Btw, looking online, it seems that Safari 15 also puts its tab logs in another place. I have read that for Safari 15 you need to go to [user]/library/containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari where you have to replace three files starting with SafariTabs.db with your backed-up files. I do not know if this works as I haven't tried it, but that folder does not exist in Safari 16. I found the correct one for Safari 16 by randomly searching in the Library. I have no idea why Apple keeps changing the locations of such important files.
顺便说一句,在网上看,Safari 15 似乎也将其标签日志放在了另一个地方。我读到,对于 Safari 15 ,您需要转到 [user]/library/containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari ,您必须将以 SafariTabs.db 开头的三个文件替换为备份文件。我不知道这是否有效,因为我还没有尝试过,但该文件夹在 Safari 16 中不存在。我通过在库中随机搜索找到了适用于 Safari 16 的正确版本。我不知道为什么 Apple 不断更改如此重要文件的位置。
我也不懂为什么,无语了,Safari 18 又改了位置而且还改了名字,而且直接复制过去都不通用