已经用上 inbox,各种酸爽,那么问题来了

2014-10-24 10:36:44 +08:00
也想回馈大家,但如何发邀请给别人啊。。。目前还不支持除了gmail以外的邮箱,如果能支持第三方邮箱就好了,想到之前gmail beta了多少年就有点寒啊。。。
16607 次点击
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151 条回复
2014-10-24 20:15:29 +08:00
2014-10-24 20:18:32 +08:00
@liuchang0812 去年我问过客服,回复如下:
Hello Paddy,

Thank you for contacting Google! I understand you contacted us today because you are wanting to change the region of your Google Play Store. I can definitely feel where you're coming from here, but rest assured, I'd be more than happy to help you out.

We use the billing address of your default payment instrument in Google Wallet to help determine your home country for accessing the Play Store. Our collection of content can vary by country, so your view of the Play Store may differ from what others are seeing when you travel outside of the country listed on your default payment method's billing address.

Please note that you must have a valid payment method with a billing address located inside a country in order to access that country's Play Store.

If you're having issues viewing your intended country's Play Store and would like to change your default payment method or update an existing billing address in Google Wallet, please use the following steps:

1) Sign into your Google Wallet account to manage your payment methods (https://wallet.google.com/manage/paymentMethods)

2) Add a new card or change your default payment instrument to one with a billing address located inside your desired country

3) Open the Play Store and navigate to any item available for download

4) Click to begin a download until you reach the "Accept and buy" screen (no need to complete the purchase)

5) Close the Play Store and clear data for the Google Play Store application (Settings > Apps > Google Play Store > Clear Data) or clear your browser cache

6) Re-open the Play Store. You should now see the Play Store that matches your default payment instrument's billing country.

If you haven't yet added a payment method to your account for the first time, please add a card directly from the Play Store with a billing address that matches your intended country location. Then, follow steps 3 through 6 to show your intended country's Play Store.

If you believe that you're experiencing a different location-related issue, please first verify if the country of your primary payment method matches your intended country. If the countries match, please provide any screenshots and additional details that might help me resolve your issue.

We appreciate your feedback as we continue bringing more content to Google Play. Thank you for reaching out!

Shortly, you will receive a survey where you will be able to give us your feedback on your customer support experience with our team. Please take a moment to fill this out, as it is extremely valuable for us to understand what we can do to improve our service in the future.

If there's anything else I can do to help you out, please let me know! I'd be happy to assist. If you'd prefer to speak to someone over the phone, you can fill out our Click to Call form at:

- https://support.google.com/googleplay/digital-content/?hl=en#topic=3364260&contact=1.

Kind Regards,

The Google Support Team
2014-10-24 21:16:28 +08:00
同求 qiaosanyiwu#gmail.com
2014-10-24 21:26:55 +08:00
@Semidio 我也在求邀请,刚刚发了空白邮件给 inbox@gmail.com
2014-10-24 22:08:11 +08:00
2014-10-24 22:20:35 +08:00
V站求邀请: patrick.wang1029@gmail.com
2014-10-24 22:43:16 +08:00
@xd547 是inbox@google.com
2014-10-24 23:02:37 +08:00
来自 google 员工:
Quick note: if you received an invite from a friend today, your 3 invites to share won't be available until this Friday.

2014-10-25 01:46:54 +08:00
求一个,感谢 weicaizhi#163.com
2014-10-25 03:47:35 +08:00
求邀请,谢谢 :)
2014-10-25 09:00:58 +08:00
2014-10-25 09:05:33 +08:00
@ziyuan 已收到!感谢!正在研究怎么发邀请
2014-10-25 09:06:30 +08:00
@Tink 要等一天,自然会有三个邀请,记得接力哈
2014-10-25 09:07:14 +08:00
同求谢谢 jensenqiao#gmail.com
2014-10-25 09:08:04 +08:00
求 zhangwb2008@gmail.com 谢谢。
2014-10-25 09:08:21 +08:00
求邀请: lovexisen#gmail.com
2014-10-25 09:09:29 +08:00
@ziyuan ok!
2014-10-25 09:19:42 +08:00
2014-10-25 09:20:02 +08:00
求邀请 hibigelf#gmail.com
2014-10-25 09:58:51 +08:00
请求接力 ssword at gmail.com

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