Yosemite 出了之后,我第一时间给 AgileBits 官方发邮件咨询关于 iCloud 同步的问题,但一直没得到答复。
Thank you for writing in to us - our apologies for the delay in getting back to you!
1Password 5 for Mac is a major release and one of the significant changes we made was a complete rewrite of iCloud syncing. 1Password 5 switched to the new Apple iCloud ‘CloudKit’ technology which is only available on OS X Yosemite and iOS 8, and limited to Mac App Store apps only. After this change we were no longer able to offer iCloud syncing in the Webstore version of 1Password.
I wanted to make sure that you had a chance to review some more information on iCloud and why the Mac App Store is the only version that has access to that particular sync option. Roustem, one of our founders, has written a blog post on the iCloud rewrite and I’d like to share it with you:
http://blog.agilebits.com/2014/10/21/about-icloud-changes-in-1password-5/The only way to re-enable iCloud is to purchase directly from the Mac App Store. Unfortunately there is no way for us to transfer your purchase from our store to Apple’s. This is a key feature we’ve been wanting Apple to add to the App Store for years as it would make transitions like these much simpler. I’m sorry I don’t have a better migration path for you.
While we cannot give you a Mac App Store license directly, I was able to find your purchase in our Webstore and was able to provide a direct refund, which you should see within 3-5 business days. You can now purchase 1Password from the Mac App Store to re-enable iCloud syncing.
*** Refunded order 935**** for $34.99.
For more information on switching from the Webstore to the Mac App Store version, you can visit our guide here:
https://guides.agilebits.com/1password-mac-kb/5/en/topic/switching-to-masI hope that helps - please let us know if you have any other questions.
Rob Hanslip
AgileBits Support
大概的意思就是无法帮我从 Webstore 版本转换为 MAS 版本,所以退我34.99刀让我自行购买 MAS 版本的 1Password.
现在的问题是,给我退款了,那我的 mac 家庭版还有效么?如果无效,那之间的差价4.2刀就相当于是3个月的费用?另外,官方的做法貌似没有咨询我的意见,直接一刀切?
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