一些关于 QuickTime、 Finder 和 Photo.app 的未来的信息

2015-03-19 00:52:24 +08:00


But he said that there is a strong possibility that the Finder will have their own extensions (think Photos.app that is built on adding features with extensions for both Apple in-house and 3rd party) in coming versions of Mac OS X (10.11 maybe?).

When i asked how so, he said they (Apple) is developing a somewhat rewritten (again!) Finder that will get some stuff from iOS (the return of the Simple Finder!), but will also please ”power users” with the just mentioned extensions. According to him, in the internal development version, they used a extension Boilerplate (no surprise of course) and added some of the Photos.app extensions to the Finder (Photos.app will be more integrated in the Finder), but also 1 (internal test) extension showing of some kind of file comparison capabilities you see in the app Kaleidoscope (and other diff apps), and 1 extension for viewing common medical image formats.

原文地址: https://github.com/Marginal/QLVideo/issues/3#issuecomment-83051000

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7 条回复
2015-03-19 02:23:44 +08:00
没有提到 QuickTime 啊?

唉,真希望 QuickTime 能更加开放。每次看视频都希望 ffmpeg 解码器的质量要是和 QuickTime 一样就好了。
2015-03-19 06:04:31 +08:00
2015-03-19 06:09:07 +08:00
@troyl 这得看说的是 QuickTime Player X.app 还是 QuickTime Framework 了。QuickTime Framework 是可以支持第三方解码器的,但是QT Player X 不支持第三方container。所以 QT 7+Persian 可以播放mkv,QT X不行。另外一个播放器想用QT解码还是用ffmpeg解码取决于播放器的开发者,只不过后者直接打包就支持很多格式,前者支持的少,而且很难保证用户是否安装了其他的解码器,不如直接打包ffmpeg到app里简单明了好维护。

我觉得苹果相比微软来说软件开发的资源还是少,其实OS X可以大修一下,然后变成OS XI的,但是苹果应该没那么多的研发资源,忙不过来,估计就一点一点迭代下去了。
2015-03-19 09:25:28 +08:00
2015-03-19 09:33:13 +08:00
倒是希望能开放 Xcode 扩展(不太喜欢 Atom 界面,不够 native)。整个 Swift 就是以插件形式塞入 Xcode 的,SourceKitService 算是 Yosemite 意义的扩展,XPC based。

2015-03-19 22:32:09 +08:00
@popbones 我觉得主要还是有无必要的问题,网络上正规有版权的视频常见格式就那么几种:mov、wmv、mp4、m4v,除了wmv以外QT都能正常支持,至于mkv之类的,站在Apple的立场,真心没有必要去支持。
2015-03-20 04:52:47 +08:00
@Koma 我并不是在说苹果应不应该支持,我只是在讨论QuickTime Player X、QuickTime Player 7以及QuickTime作为一个库来说的扩展性的差别而已,mkv只是举个封包格式的例子而已

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