http://www.av-test.org/fileadmin/pdf/VB-AVC-AVT-press-release.pdfhttp://av-test.com/tests/projects/av-test_tencent_performance_issue.pdf这两个哪一个先发布?在前一个文件中已经提到说“知道 QQ、百度有这样的标记,但是这样没有任何有利之处甚至某些时候反而不利”。
As part of the investigation into Qihoo 360, counter‐accusations were levelled by the company against
two fellow Chinese security firms, Baidu and Tencent. Analysis of products submitted for testing by
these companies turned up some unexpected flags within their products, marked with the names of
several test labs and implying some difference in product behavior depending on the environment they
were run in – similar flags were also found in Qihoo products. However, no evidence could be found that
this gave any significant advantage to either product, and in some cases it even seemed to put them at a
disadvantage. Both firms were able to provide good reasons for including these flags in their products.