"By now we know that the attack is being coordinated from East Asia.
We've noticed a three-fold increase in signups from South Korea in the last two weeks. The last time we were hit by a massive DDoS was in late September, 2014, in the wake of the South Korean privacy scandal when signups from that country spiked as well.
We've also heard that some companies are unhappy with our new platform that allows artists to create free custom stickers for the users. Two weeks after its launch we were hit by a lesser DDoS, also aimed specifically at the Asia Pacific cluster."
1. 为什么多次攻击和某公司关联度如此之高
2. 要知道telegram的signup过程必须经过手机号验证,cannon如何做到验证出韩国的手机号的?
1. 为什么在差不多的时间点,某公司投诉至Google Play要求下架telegram
2. 为什么telegram最后一个ios版本有notification bug,单独这个有明显bug在提交更新后Apple迟迟不批,攻击、下架也都很巧合的集中在了这个时间段。
综上,我觉得其实这篇文章给的信息很少,DDoS主控位置也可能不止一个,尤其是这种global attack,国内有主控再正常不过了,个人倾向于某公司竞争不过对方耍赖的盘面比较大一些。