rapidcache: block level
http://www.rapiddisk.org/vmtouch: file level
http://hoytech.com/vmtouch/https://github.com/hoytech/vmtouchrapiddisk wiki 还推荐了其它 ram disk/cache:
http://www.rapiddisk.org/?incsub_wiki=rapiddisk目前在测 RapidCache(rapiddisk 里的一个功能):
The RapidDisk collection is officially supported on the following operating system distributions:
Red Hat
Ubuntu Server
HP 也用:
HP presented RapidDisk / RapidCache as part of a demo in the High Performance Computing and Open Source & Linux Technical Excellence Symposium 2014 with performance benchmarks as high as 40 Gigabytes per second! The presentation was titled: Addressing Database Performance problems using the HP Enigma RAM Storage Solution and was presented in Grenoble, France.
测试了下,没成功。。。有用过或者有兴趣&测试成功的 V 有来分享下么~~
(不像打错字的样子。。。这个项目 09 or 11 年就开始了 google 了下貌似也没找到同样的 error 。。。)
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