求合购 Mac- updates 的 Fall bundle (包含 12 件 app)

2015-10-23 00:35:46 +08:00
最近非常想要 devonthink ,正好 macupdate 新出的秋季 bundle 包含了,但是里边包含的很多别的软件要么用不上,要么已经买过来,所以想看有没有正好需要别的软件的小伙伴一起购买,所有软件可以分别单独注册到不同邮箱,具体包含的软件如下:

Roxy Toast 14 ($99.99)
Toast 14 for Mac surely is the highlight of this bundle. Normally available for $99.99, this software is highly awarded and a leading one, when it comes to the burning of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray. So this bundle is a real bargain.

DEVONThink Personal ($50)
The Personal Edition of DEVONthink is a knowledge database for document management.

iMazing ($29.99) – NEWLY ADDED
is an iOS device Manager which lets you easily Transfer files between your iOS devices.

Boom 2 ($14.99)
enhances the sound volume of your mac and offers an equalizer.

Sparkle ($79.99)
is a web design tool for creating modern sites.

NetSpot Pro ($149)
manages and controls your wifi network.

MacOptimizer 3 ($29.00)
is a tool for enhancing the performance of your Mac.

TG Pro ($15.00)
prevents the components of your Mac from overheating.

In addition to this, you receive the Paragon 3-in-1 bundle which includes the following apps:

Paragon NTFS for Mac
offers full read and write access to the windows partition under Mac OS X.

Paragon Camptune X
lets you change the partition size of Boot Camp without reformatting the volume.

Paragon HFS+ for Windows
offers access to Mac partitions under Windows.

bundle 页面: http://deals.macupdate.com

我基本只需要 devonthink ,然后对 boom 也有兴趣,如果有人对剩下的软件有兴趣的咱可以合伙购买~有意请发邮件到 deity2245 艾特 163.com
4139 次点击
所在节点    macOS
26 条回复
2015-10-23 21:37:59 +08:00
devonthink 值得入手,这几天在找资料打算写使用教程,方便自己方便他人
2015-10-23 22:15:44 +08:00
@kappa @igboy 在 macupdate desktop 里边找到了,那就直接买这个好了~太感谢啦~
2015-10-23 23:22:03 +08:00
@crystone 太好了,写好了求个链接学习一下~
2015-10-24 02:00:47 +08:00
@kappa 感谢,买到了 devonthink pro !
2015-10-24 18:26:58 +08:00
@jaggerkyne 其他软件出吗?
2015-10-26 20:36:48 +08:00
@tiancai0312 还有就是 Boom 2 , MacOptimizer 这两个可以出~

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