BetterTouchTool 从月底开始变为收费软件

2016-01-10 19:46:04 +08:00

用了至少有三四年了,虽然非常支持 BTT 收费,但是突然看到这个消息还是震惊了一下。

7053 次点击
所在节点    macOS
7 条回复
2016-01-10 20:16:41 +08:00
买过 BST 支持过 可以继续免费用
2016-01-10 20:31:20 +08:00
BTT Remote 不是免费的么?
2016-01-11 10:17:10 +08:00
双手支持,提到的两个 App 都买过,但是还会捐助
2016-01-11 13:08:06 +08:00
@imcoddy BTT Remote 的 iOS app 是免费的,但是有内购,而且是核心操作内购。
2016-01-12 09:53:56 +08:00
@erinsnow 意思是现在买还来得及是么 233
2016-01-12 10:28:51 +08:00
现在独立开发者真不容易,完全支持收费(特别是 Mac 上的独立开发者),用了好几年了。
2016-01-13 06:20:22 +08:00
很赞的 app 和开发者,已买 BTT Remote PRO ,到时候可以换 Free License

Can I get a free license?
- If you bought BetterSnapTool you can use BetterTouchTool for free. The features that are currently exclusive to BetterSnapTool will soon be available in BTT too.
- If you bought BTT Remote / BTT Remote Pro, you can use BetterTouchTool for free
- If you buy BetterTouchTool you can use BTT Remote Pro (iOS) for free
- If you have donated before, you can use BetterTouchTool for free
- The process to request a free license will be easy and integrated into BTT and BTT Remote. It will be available as soon as BTT becomes paid.

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