之前 1password 各个平台客户端单独卖,现在改为订阅模式,一个帐户 2.99 美元/月,全平台可用。另外订阅模式可用 1p 自己的服务器同步密码库。
如果不想用订阅模式现在还是可以买平台 license :
Is it possible to purchase a license instead of subscribing?
Yes. We offer standalone licenses of 1Password for those who need them. These licenses enable you to get the benefits of 1Password but it is important to know that some features depend on our hosted service and are therefore only available to subscribers. For example, web access on 1Password.com, automatic syncing, item history, secure sharing with family members, and several other features will not be available to those who purchase a license. If company policies or regional restrictions force you to use a cloud-free solution or you prefer to sync your data yourself, you can purchase a standalone license for both Mac and Windows. Pro Features for iOS and Android sold separately.
现有的 license 应该可以继续用,但是用不了一些基于云的新特性。
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