rrfeng To avoid unnecessary latency, clients are permitted to send additional frames to the server immediately after sending the client connection preface, without waiting to receive the server connection preface.
客户端可以在建立连接的时候发送其它帧(也应该包括 DATA 帧),但是 Nginx 这时候的 initial window 是 0 ,所以回了一个 REFUSED_STREAM ,这时候部分浏览器直接报错而不是重试。
格式感觉这还是 Nginx 的锅。
LazyZhu Nginx 已经明确表示,这个补丁不会移植到 1.10.x 。他们认为: 1.10.x 是稳定版,而 HTTP/2 本来就属于「不稳定」的功能,要用 HTTP/2 就上主线版。
We don't backport features to the stable branch (that's what we call stable, no enhancements). It receives only critical bug fixes. If you use such new, very complicated and actively developing protocol as HTTP/2 then it's naturally that you have to stay with the mainline branch.