卷入 RayBan 品牌侵权案, PayPal 帐号被限制,该怎么办?

2016-09-08 15:44:37 +08:00
laxapple  laxapple

昨晚,一封 PayPal 邮件把我搞晕了,说什么涉嫌侵权 Okaley 收到法院禁令导致帐号受限云云。我完全不知事出何因,暂未理会。今天凌晨又收到律师函,回忆半天才搞清了缘由。

大概几个月前,我帮人注册了个域名,过户给他时一时大意没有修改 whois 。没想到这家伙用这域名搞了个 RayBan 在线商店,现在看来很有可能是卖仿冒产品,这不让人家告到美国法院,还殃及到我。

联系 PayPal 只收到封自动回复,估计现在 PayPal 只听法院的。 本想联系原告律师,但查看临时禁令发现被告人、相关侵权店铺和域名多达上千,直接沟通指不上了。


  1. 我现在对策是不理会,还是应该采取什么措施?
  2. PayPal 帐号被限,里面没有余额,但绑定的信用卡安全吗?
  3. 这案件大概会审理多长时间?据说如果没事 PayPal 180 天会解封?

Dear :

We received a court order on September 1, 2016, affecting your access to your PayPal account due to possible infringement of intellectual properties of Oakley. Until further notice, your ability to send payments, receive payments, withdraw funds, or access the funds in your PayPal account has been limited.

A judgment order may follow and require us to take further actions on the funds in your PayPal account. If you have any questions about this infringement action, it is important that you contact the plaintiff's representative outlined below to respond to this issue:

Greer Burns & Crain attorney@gbcinternetenforcement.net

Court order details Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois Plaintiff: Oakley Court case number: Luxottica Group SPA et al v Zilan Ju et al; Case No. 16-cv-8317 NDIL

If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking Help at the bottom of the PayPal homepage.

Sincerely, PayPal


September 1, 2016, , Oakley , , ,

       ,       PayPal                     ,                 ,            :

Greer Burns & Crain attorney@gbcinternetenforcement.net


:U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois :Oakley :Luxottica Group SPA et al v Zilan Ju et al; Case No. 16-cv-8317 NDIL

    ,   PayPal     "  "

, PayPal

We represent Luxottica Group S.p.A. and Oakley, Inc., owners of the Plaintiffs' Trademarks, in anti-counterfeiting matters. Plaintiffs have charged you and other Defendants in a Complaint with violations related to trademark infringement and counterfeiting laws. A United States Federal District Court has issued a Temporary Restraining Order (“TRO”) permitting our clients to transfer your domain to our control and/or restrain funds in your PayPal account.

A copy of the Complaint and TRO is available at http://gbcinternetenforcement.net/16-8317, which will be updated regularly throughout these proceedings. You are advised to seek U.S. legal counsel.

If you believe that you have been improperly linked to this case or received this email in error, promptly contact us at attorney@gbcinternetenforcement.net so that we can further investigate your claim.

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10 条回复
2016-09-08 16:43:57 +08:00
2016-09-08 17:14:36 +08:00
帐号被限制后, paypal 里面的资金是安全的,可以在 180 后提现,信用卡也是安全的
现在要做的是联系 paypal ,尽管解封的机会很渺茫很渺茫。试试无妨
2016-09-08 17:19:16 +08:00
@taine 我查了下,原告委托的这家律所口碑不太好,牵涉的被告和相关域名相当多,搞得动静很大的样子。而我第一次碰到这种事,势单力薄,贸然联系担心吃亏。至于信用卡,我不知道有没有法院应原告诉求裁定 PayPal 强制扣费的可能。
2016-09-08 17:25:15 +08:00
@laxapple 就算强制扣费,也要通知你的银行。
2016-09-08 17:25:47 +08:00
r#2 @niaoren 限制期间不能提现和转账,那能正常使用 eBay 等第三方付款吗?
2016-09-08 17:53:26 +08:00
过户给他以后,对方需要保证 whois 信息正确,否则责任在对方。
建议你打个电话敲一下 Paypal 看看。
2016-09-09 10:34:54 +08:00
@laxapple 你这个 paypal 帐号等于废了。你现在不能用你身份再注册 paypal 了,如发现还是会被限制的
2016-09-10 08:06:07 +08:00
r#7 @niaoren 哈哈,申诉成功了!:)
2016-11-25 12:33:39 +08:00
原告那边居然这么好说话,好奇 lz 怎么发邮件解释的
2016-11-25 12:43:53 +08:00
r#9 @sobigfish


Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 9:35 AM
To: GBC Attorney <attorney@gbcinternetenforcement.net>
Subject: Re: Luxottica Group S.p.A. and Oakley, Inc. v. The Partnerships, et al.; Case No. 16-cv-8317


I ’ m sorry to hear that the Plaintiffs ’ intellectual properties been infringed. After some investigation, I ’ m sure the reason why I ’ ve been linked to this case is related to the domain rb-sunglasses-store.com.

However, I am not the holder of this domain.
Actually, I registed the domain for a customer from my e-shop on 13th May. And it was transferred to him after 5 days due to Name.com ’ s rules. The updated status could be checkout here:

It ’ s the holder ’ s responsibility to keep the whois information updated which isn ’ t been done in time. I wish I could provide any clue but all I have seems to be fake information. I think you could get to the domain registrar or web hosting provider to find out the real person who is supposed to take responsibility.

By the way, my only PayPal account was affected. But I ’ ve never using this account to receive money. All transactions are about payments or subscription services which could also prove that I am not the beneficiary of the infringement act. So could you inform PayPal to cancel the limitation of my account? Thanks.


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