Some Nexus 5X devices are getting stuck in bootloops after upgrading to Android 7.0

2016-09-22 07:23:27 +08:00

We understand that a very small number of users are experiencing a bootloop issue on the Nexus 5X. We are continuing to investigate the situation, but can confirm that this is strictly a hardware related issue. For those of you that are currently experiencing this, please contact your place of purchase for warranty or repair options.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued patience.

在中国用 Nexus 没什么安全感:(

2183 次点击
所在节点    Nexus
2 条回复
2016-09-22 08:19:02 +08:00
不知道有没有补偿 虽然我的 5x 没事 但我觉得如果有事 我的数据还平白无故没了 那我肯定要 Google 赔
2016-09-22 10:20:12 +08:00

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